Abstract Sculpture - Memories of war sculpture
Male Torso, Bronze, 28"H X 18"D X5"W Price: $15,000.00
Large Swordfish, Bronze, Patina 1 available, 32" H X 22" W X 10" D
The Kiss, Polished Bronze, 22.5"e8"W X 8"D, Price: $10,000.00 Need to order.
Remnants of a firefight , Bronze, Price:$3,500.00 19.75 W X 9.75 H, + backboard
Memories of war
The Great Patriot, Bronze, 16" H X 10.5" Price: $3,000.00
The March to War, 9.5"H X 19" W Price: $3000.00
.Lovers, Bronze, Patina, 6" H X 8"D X5"D Price: 5,000.00
SmallSwordfish, Polished Bronze 15"H X 5"D X 5.5"D. Price: $10,000, not in stock order
This bronze relief was stolen from storage if you see it please notify me. there is only one casting.
email: shachambronze@gmail.com
In Memorial, Bronze, No longer available
Shacham Sculpture Studio
The Tombstone Bronze 11" H X 15" W with backboard, Price: $30,00.00